One feature I find particularly useful is the "Lossless" export for vApp templates. This preserves the personality of all of the VMs (UUIDs, MAC addresses, etc.). It is less portable than a "regular" export, but saves time if you're going between vCD instances.
I took Clint Kitson's Export-CiOVF and modified it a little to leverage this new feature:
Function Export-CIOvfLossless {
Export VAppTemplate while maintaining identity
PS C:\> Get-CIVAppTemplate myVappTempalte | Export-CIOvfLossless
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
$InputObject | %{
if(!($_ | Get-CIView | %{ $_.Link } | where {$_.Rel -eq "download:identity"})) {
try {
Write-Host "Enabling download..."
$_ | Get-CIView | %{ $_.EnableDownload() }
} catch {
Write-Error $error[0]
$href = $_ | Get-CIView | %{ $_.Link } | where {$_.Rel -eq "download:identity"} | %{ $_.Href }
if(!$targetDir) { $targetDir = $ }
if($href) {
$serverName = ($href.Split("/"))[2]
$cloudServer = $global:DefaultCIServers | where {$_.Name -eq $serverName }
$sessionId = $cloudServer.sessionid
$webClient = New-Object
if(!(Test-Path $targetDir)) { New-Item -type Directory $targetDir | out-null }
$targetDir = (Get-Item $targetDir).FullName
$baseHref = $href -replace "descriptor-with-id.ovf",""
[xml]$xmlDescriptor = Get-Content "$($targetDir)\descriptor-with-id.ovf"
$xmlDescriptor.Envelope.References.File | %{ $_.href } | %{
try {
Write-Host "Downloading $($targetDir)\$($_)"
} catch {
Write-Host -fore red "Error downloading OVF disk named $($_)"
} else {
Write-Host -fore red "OVF Download Link Not Found"
Write-Host "Disabling download"
$_ | Get-CIView | %{ $_.DisableDownload() }
} #Export-CIOvfLossless