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script to gather VM' vmdk path and datastore canonical name




Can somebody please help with a script that I am working on I am trying to gather all VM's and the datastores on which their hard drive reside on along with the canonical name of the datastore


this is what i have at the moment but keep getting errors


$VmInfo = ForEach ($Datacenter in (Get-Datacenter | Sort-Object -Property Name)) {

  ForEach ($Cluster in ($Datacenter | Get-Cluster | Sort-Object -Property Name)) {

    ForEach ($VM in ($Cluster | Get-VM | Sort-Object -Property Name)) {

      ForEach ($HardDisk in ($VM | Get-HardDisk | Sort-Object -Property Name)) {

      ForEach ($datastore in ($Cluster | get-vmhost | get-datastore | Get-ScsiLun -LunType disk |select -Property CanonicalName)){

        "" | Select-Object -Property @{N="VM";E={$VM.Name}},



          @{N="Hard Disk";E={$HardDisk.Name}},









$VmInfo | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture -Path "c:\vmdkPaths.csv"




Get-ScsiLun : 28/08/2013 9:57:30 AM    Get-ScsiLun        ScsiLun info is available only for Vmfs datstores.

At C:\Users\jsmith484\Documents\PowershellScripts\ICEVMDKReport3.ps1:6 char:68

+       forEach ($datastore in ($Cluster | get-vmhost | get-datastore | Get-ScsiLun - ...

+                                                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-ScsiLun], VimException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Client20_StorageServiceImpl_GetScsiLun_InvalidDatastoreType,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.Hos



I think its something to do with the way that I am gathering the canonical name using the get-scsilun?

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