I have been continuing with this workflow to create a VM folder directory in vCenter. I am having a problem with the function, concerning the:
var found = subfolders.indexOf(folderName); if (found == -1) { System.log("Building folder " + folderName); var newFolder = parentFolderObj.createFolder(folderName); System.log("Built directory: " + folderName); return newFolder; } else { return; } }
If the folder does not exist, the script runs as expected and creates the directory correctly. When the folder does exist, I want it to ignore and skip to the next value. The error message I receive is:
[2013-07-03 18:16:18.782] [I] subfolder Name: Prod
[2013-07-03 18:16:18.784] [I] subfolder Name: UAT
[2013-07-03 18:16:18.786] [I] subfolder Name: DMZ
[2013-07-03 18:16:18.788] [I] subfolder Name: Dev
[2013-07-03 18:16:18.790] [I] allSubFolders array: Prod,UAT,DMZ,Dev
[2013-07-03 18:16:18.792] [I] Folder Dev already exists. Continue with next item
[2013-07-03 18:16:18.794] [I] TypeError: Cannot read property "childEntity" from undefined (Workflow:TEST_TNG_New_Site_Folder_Structure / BuildFolderTree (item2)#54)
Here is the complete code:
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CODE: Javascript // // TITLE: BuildFolderTree // // AUTHOR: Brandt Winchell // // COLLABORATOR: robrtb12 // // VERSION: 2.0 // // DATE MODIFIED: July 3, 2013 // // PURPOSE: Build a directory tree in vCenter VM & Template section // // ADDITIONAL INFO: !!Root folder must be created manually before // // running this code!! // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DECLARE VARIABLES var folderBase = ["Dev","DMZ","Prod","UAT"];//base folders var folderT1 = ["Servers","Workstations"]; //sub-folders of $folderBase var folderT2 = ["Windows","Linux"]; //sub-folders of $folderT1 var folderT3 = ["Repo1","Repo2","Repo3","Repo4"]; //sub-folders of $folderT2 var folderT4 = ["T1","T2","T3"]; //sub-folder of $folderT3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLOBAL EXCEPTION CATCH FOR NULL INPUT VARIABLES if (parentFolder == null) { throw "REFERENCE ERROR: $parentFolder IS NULL!!"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BUILD THE DIRECTORY TREE // create the $folderBase level of directory for (var a=0; a<folderBase.length; a++) { var newBaseFolder = buildFolderTree(parentFolder, folderBase[a]); var parentFolderObj = newBaseFolder; // Create the $folderT1 level of folders for (var b=0; b<folderT1.length; b++) { var newT1Folder = buildFolderTree(newBaseFolder, folderT1[b]); var parentFolderObj = newT1Folder; // Create the $folderT2 level of folders for (var c=0; c<folderT2.length; c++) { var newT2Folder = buildFolderTree(newT1Folder, folderT2[c]); var parentFolderObj = newT2Folder; // Create the $folderT3 level of folders for (var d=0; d<folderT3.length; d++) { var newT3Folder = buildFolderTree(newT2Folder, folderT3[d]); var parentFolderObj = newT3Folder; // Create the $folderT4 level of folders for (var e=0; e<folderT4.length; e++) { var newT4Folder = buildFolderTree(newT3Folder, folderT4[e]); } } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BUILD FUNCTION $buildFolderTree function buildFolderTree(parentFolderObj, folderName) { //Get a list of sublfolders var children = parentFolderObj.childEntity;; var allSubFolders = new Array(); for (var i in children) { if (children[i] instanceof VcFolder) { var subfolderParent = children[i]; var subName = subfolderParent.name; //Get only the folder name System.log("subfolder Name: " + subName); allSubFolders.push(subName); //Create an array of all subfolder names } } System.log("allSubFolders array: " + allSubFolders); //Create folder if the folder does not already exists var found = allSubFolders.indexOf(folderName); //Does $folderName exists in array. False = -1 if (found != -1) { System.log("Folder " + folderName + " already exists. Continue with next item"); return; } if (found == -1) { System.log("Building folder " + folderName); var newFolder = parentFolderObj.createFolder(folderName); System.log("Built directory: " + parentFolderObj.name + "/" + folderName); return newFolder; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////