Re: Client is not authenticated to VMware Inventory Service -...
Hi, Ended up working with support to resolve this. Ended up removing all components (inventory, SSO, vCenter, web client) and re-installing. I would have hoped there would have been an easier way to...
View ArticleRe: False Capacity/IO Alerts?
Thanks for the update! I'll go ahead and get the update applied. The process to allow me to do that might take a week or so though unfortunately haha. ~Brandit
View ArticleSerial port irq conflicts
I have 3 serial ports on the host machine that I need to map to the guest running windows xp 32 bit. I have upgraded to workstation 8 but I am still having irq conflicts. I have added the settings to...
View ArticleRe: ESXI 5.1 Monitor
Note: Discussion successfully moved from VMware vSphere™ vNetwork to VMware ESXi 5 Tools like WhatsUp work well. Just ESXi and no vCenter right?
View ArticleRe: Safe to delete snapshot from failed vdp backup
Can you do the backup again? The VDP than deletes the snapshot and you can be sure everything is done right. If it is not possible, than you must look at the VDP if the snap-shot is mounted. You can...
View ArticleRe: View Desktops (VDI) vs. Terminal Server
The pool would consume the CPU and Memory resources but the storage would be much lower. In linked clone environments the "clones" will try to read as much data as possible from the "master clone"...
View ArticleRe: VMware view get users
no i do get output. the problem i'm facing is how to select the last 7 days.if i look at one of the output and do a get-member of "time" than it tells me its a "System.String" and not a...
View ArticleIs this normal vsphere client behaviour?
This is just an attempt to work out why the client behaved differently for different people. We have just had a problem with our esx4i infrastructure. One effect of this was that anybody who was...
View ArticleRe: licencia free perpetua
60 days is the default install and known as evaluation mode. The free key you download separately will not expire, but will have less features.
View ArticleRe: How to make hard disk available for diffferent guest OS?
Okay, I've created the datastore and browse it. How do I make this available to different guest OS so that it shows up as "D" drive or "M" drive etc.?
View ArticleRe: Need help on the memory limit setting for VM
Hi Gabrie,I know this topic is old, but that is what I was looking for a long time and your answers helped me a lot. There is only one thing I need to know to be satisfied and more slight! When u...
View ArticleRe: Reporting resource usage per VMfolder
So I've added this to the end of the script: ConvertTo-HTML | Out-File "C:\Users\test.html" I see the right output on the console, but the html file is empty: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD...
View ArticleRe: Reporting resource usage per VMfolder
Like this Get-VM|Group-Object-Property {$_.Folder.Id} |Select@{N="Folder";E={ $folder=$_.Group[0].Folder $path=$folder.Name while($folder.Parent){ $folder=$folder.Parent...
View ArticleRe: Reporting resource usage per VMfolder
That will not work with a Foreach loop like that.
View ArticleMigrating from VMFS3 to VMFS5, converting thin to thick disks
Hello: We are in the process of migrating VM disks from VMFS3 datastores to VMFS5. While migrating, we are attempting to also convert the disks from Thin, to Thick Lazy Zeroed. However, for some...
View ArticleRe: Knowledge Base Understanding virtual machine snapshots in VMware ESXi and...
Thanks for the feedback. We'll try to do better in future!
View ArticleRe: Windows 8, TA4.7.3, GIMP 2.8 & 2.6 not able to capture or run
Even if this post is very old here is a solution to this problem. It seems like Setup Capture crashes when *.debug files are located under %ProgramFilesDir%\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\python.As soon as you...
View ArticleRe: VMware view get users
Try with the StartDate parameterGet-EventReport -ViewName user_events -StartDate (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)| where {$_.eventtype -eq "AGENT_CONNECTED"}That should give the events for the last 7 days.
View ArticleRe: Thin PC - WSUS AV
If it's running a Windows OS then it probably needs updates and virus protection. If it's loading from flash it likely does not need anything.
View ArticleRe: P2V Linux of PC AMD for ESXi Intel Xeon
I suggested to download Converter *5.0.1* (the previous version), but not 5.1.0 (the one you have).
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